behaeltermanagement (1).webp

Container Cleaning/Management

For more than 20 years, we have been your certified specialist for professional cleaning of all types of reusable container systems at our Chemnitz location. For this purpose, we have a total area of 6000sqm at our disposal. With the help of a computer-aided production and organization system, we manage and monitor the on-time and flexible provision of containers according to customer requirements. Regular process controls and product audits are carried out to ensure consistently high cleaning quality.


For 20 years, the cleaning media from production have been treated by means of vacuum distillation equipment, making us a wastewater-free operation.

Industrial Tank Cleaning

  • Industrial cleaning of reusable container systems to remove contaminants such as oils, greases, preservatives and loose dirt
  • Manual (pre-) cleaning of heavily soiled reusable container systems, for removal of labels and cleaning of non-machinable containers



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Container Management / Empties Logistics

  • Packaging, commissioning and logistic handling
  • Monitoring of container logistics and ensuring the specified flow rates
  • Realization of transport activities according to customer requirements
  • Short and medium term storage of empties
  • Min. 750 pallet spaces (indoor and outdoor storage)
Your contact

Herr Bertram Sebastian

Leiter Messtechnik


+49 (0) 371/53 04 81 61

More services of HQM Induserv