chemische-analytik (1).webp

Chemical Analytics and Cleanliness Analysis

The Chemistry and Plastics, Cleanliness Analysis department deals with a wide range of problems that can arise in the everyday life of a production company or in private life. These include sampling and in-process monitoring of production aids, suitability testing of plastic components and coatings with regard to their intended use, and analysis of the technical cleanliness of components or finished parts.


The comprehensive competence in this sector also allows us to evaluate cases of damage and to recommend solutions for their avoidance, or, for example, to examine manufacturing processes with regard to the so-called assembly cleanliness.


This is also done in close cooperation with other divisions of HQM Induserv GmbH.


Accredited Standards Stands

Testing of fuels, oils and sealants

  • Density, viscosity, water content
  • Neutralization number
  • Determination of purity classes
  • Determination of flash points
  • Corrosion effect of oils on copper
  • NMR spectroscopy (e.g. analysis for misfueling or similar)


and much more




chemische-analytik (2).webp

Testing of water-miscible production aids and water

Testing of cooling lubricants, corrosion protection agents, cleaners
testing of industrial waters and waste waters
complex determination of characteristic data for production aids
Testing for fine dirt.


The wide range of competences, including organic and inorganic chemistry, material and coating technology, as well as component cleanliness, is just as characteristic for our employees as the ability and willingness to flexibly familiarize themselves with new problems.


For this purpose, state-of-the-art testing technology is available in our laboratories, with which the relevant analyses are carried out and evaluated in a timely manner.

Cleanliness Analysis

The purpose of cleanliness testing is to measure the particle contamination present on relevant surfaces of the test object, as they result from manufacturing processes and the environment, as completely and accurately as possible.


For manufacturers, suppliers or cleaning service providers, precise investigations into the type, nature and origin of the contamination are therefore of ever-increasing importance.


Cleanliness analysis according to VDA 19 / ISO 16232 as well as other customer-specific test standards (BMW, Daimler, VW, etc.)

Particle extraction by means of spraying, rinsing, ultrasound, dipping, etc…


  • gravimetric residual dirt determination
  • light microscopic particle evaluation
  • particle counting (manual and automated)
  • particle analysis IR, EDX


Accredited Standards Stands for Cleaning Analysis

Damage analysis and material consulting

ln the practice of damage analysis, we assess changes to components that impair or make impossible their intended function or that are expected to impair it. Deviations between the intended and actual condition of the component are documented, and a wide variety of influences to which the component has been exposed are simulated and predicted.


For this analysis, we have a wide range of macroscopic and microscopic methods of plastics testing and diagnostics at our disposal.


Since the mechanical properties of plastics in particular are much more affected by temperature and time than those of metallic materials, special attention is paid to these influencing factors in conjunction with the manufacturing condition.


For damage prevention, we advise you in accordance with the selection and application areas of the materials, from chemical resistance to mechanical wear resistance and corrosion resistance.

Implementation of sampling

Another major subject area of the division comprises the testing of initial samples with regard to their conformity with OEM specifications.

In cooperation with the client, our engineers draw up specific test programs and evaluate the results.

If deviations occur, we can make recommendations for optimization.

Process analytics

  • Testing of cooling lubricants, corrosion protection agents, cleaners
  • Testing of industrial waters and waste waters
  • Complex determination of characteristic data for production aids
  • Testing for fine dirt


The wide range of competences, including organic and inorganic chemistry, material and coating technology as well as component cleanliness, is just as characteristic for our employees as the ability and willingness to flexibly familiarize themselves with new problems.


For this purpose, our laboratories are equipped with the most modern testing technology, with which the relevant analyses are carried out and evaluated in a timely manner.

Plastics testing

  • Determination of mechanical parameters (e.g. tensile/bending strength, hardness, etc.)
  • Testing for media and aging resistance
  • Thermal analysis (TGA, DSC)
  • IR spectroscopy
  • Density determination

Your Contacts

Mr. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Matthias Lemke
Bereichsleiter Werkstoffprüfung Kunststoffe, Chemie, Sauberkeitsanalysen

Tel.: +49 (0) 371/53 04 81 34
Fax: +49 (0) 371/53 04 81 31


Mrs. Dipl. Chemikerin Katharina Sesser
Stellvertretende Bereichsleiterin Werkstoffprüfung Kunststoffe, Chemie, Sauberkeitsanalysen

Tel.: +49 (0) 371/53 04 81 34
Fax: +49 (0) 371/53 04 81 31

Your contact

Herr Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Matthias Lemke

Leiter Werkstoffprüfung Chemie und Kunststoffe, Sauberkeitsanalysen


+49 (0) 371/53 04 81 34

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