As an accredited measuring laboratory D-K-11284-0, we calibrate your measuring equipment reliably by our experienced staff: so that you can rely on your measured values.
Our accreditation includes measuring equipment of the measurand "length" (caliper gauge / outside micrometer / dial gauge and thread gauge - internal thread / option 5: all 5 thread characteristics).
Calibration is performed exclusively in our air-conditioned measuring rooms at the Chemnitz site on the basis of the corresponding DAkkS-DKD guideline. (Accredited Standard Stands)
The measuring equipment is marked with a DAkkS test badge as specified by the accreditation body. According to the specification, the determined actual values are shown in the DAkkS calibration certificate.
The factory calibration of measuring equipment and gauges of "length", is mainly carried out in our air-conditioned measuring rooms at the Chemnitz site (on-site calibration is possible by arrangement).
The basis for the calibration of your measuring equipment are VDI / VDE / DGQ guidelines, DIN and manufacturer specifications or drawings.
The marking of the calibration takes place according to your specification on the measuring equipment by a test badge.
Proof of the parameters determined and their traceability is provided in the factory calibration certificate.
Gauge Management
We manage your measuring equipment in a database. We take care of the call-offs according to your specified cycle.
An additional service from us: we organize the transport for you.
If you wish, we will mark the measuring equipment with an identification number according to your specifications.